sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2020

Cuidado que alguns Países Queimam no verão e no Inverno

Portugal...! Na hora de planear férias ou local para viver. 

Saiba quais são os Países mais seguros do mundo e seus indicadores.... 

"The GPI finds that the world became more peaceful for the first time in five years, with the average level of country peacefulness improving slightly by 0.09 per cent. 

The increase in peacefulness was the result of a reduction in the severity of several major conflicts worldwide, which led to decreases in deaths from internal conflict.

The average level of global peacefulness improved very slightly last year on the 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI). This was the first time that the index improved in the last five years. 

The average country score improved by -0.09 per cent, with 86 countries improving and 76 recording deteriorations."


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